Planned Parenthood

3300 E Flamingo Rd #25, Las Vegas, 89121

Our Mission: Since 1916, we have been committed to delivering the highest quality reproductive and sexual health care; teaching medically accurate, age-appropriate sexuality education; and working diligently to protect the right to access safe, legal abortion.

Our Vision: We dream of a future where everyone has the power to control their bodies, their health, and their futures. Your health and well-being should drive important health decisions — not who you are, where you live, or how much money you make. We’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you have access to essential reproductive and sexual health care, including abortion care.

Our Goals: Our motto is: Care, no matter what. Your health and well-being are our top priority. Planned Parenthood of Southern Nevada will provide health care services, no matter who you are or where you live. And we won’t stop providing care — because that’s what every person deserves.

Fundraising Opportunities: If you are interested in hosting a fundraising event for Planned Parenthood of Southern Nevada, please email [email protected].

Volunteer Opportunities: Planned Parenthood needs your help more than ever. There are many ways you can help—from making phone calls in your own living room, to being trained to escort patients at our health centers. Visit to learn more.

Giving Opportunities: Abortion access is on the line. Your support has never been more crucial. Join us at our annual fundraiser, Corks and Forks, at Mansion at Mansion 54. Visit to donate.